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How it Started

blacktailOne day, in the early part of July 2015, Michelle brought home some Dillweed to plant in the backyard.  Once the plants were home, Michelle noticed that there were a couple of caterpillars on it.  Within a day these caterpillars had grown about 10 times their original size.  We looked up the caterpillars on the Discover Life website and identified them as Black Swallowtail caterpillars.  Another day passed and we started to get excited at the prospect of having these caterpillars turn into butterflies but something terrible was about to happen.  That night, we assume, a frog or lizard ate very well.  The plants were exposed to all predators and these caterpillars probably were eaten.  There is a remote possibility that they crawled to safety and hid amongst the Caladium plants and matured into butterflies.  Highly unlikely but wishful thinking.