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Christmas 2015 and Sheryl’s Surprise Birthday

Michelle and I traveled up to Michigan for Christmas on December 23rd.  While away, Michelle took our butterfly habitat and had XXX babysit the Monarch chrysalises.  Eight Monarchs were born while we were away.  Upon arriving into Detroit Metropolitan Airport a little early we decided to change our plans and head over to see Mom before heading over to Cal and John’s for the evening.  Cal and John extended an invitation for us to stay at their house for the duration of our visit.  We knew this would be trouble but just the kind of trouble that we truly enjoy.  For the remainder of the trip we had a full schedule.  Thursday morning, Christmas Eve, we had breakfast at Sheryl’s on the 24th.  Outstanding!!!  Sheryl has this breakfast every year for family.  Drove to Big Al’s to check on party site and to discuss decorating and sound system.  Mom, Michelle and I drove to Party City to order balloons and buy some decorations for Sheryl’s surprise party.  Candlelight service followed that evening at 7pm.  We searched liquor stores for Cafe Patron and couldn’t find any and was shocked at the cost of my favorite Scotches.  Christmas day we lounged around Cal and John’s for most of the day.  Headed over to Mom’s and decorated t-shirts, opened presents with Jayne and Sheryl’s family, took pictures, played a game called Telestrations and Scattergories and had a few cocktails.  We introduced most of the family to Baby Guinness shots.  Saturday morning began at Jersey’s bar at 11am to watch the St. Pete Bowl pitting The Herd against UConn.  John and I sat and watched Marshall win, 16-10.  We coordinated with Cal and John on how to best handle decorating Big Al’s.  We decided John and I would go get the balloons with their vehicle while Cal and Michelle would head to Al’s to decorate.  After decorating, we headed back to take a 15 minute nap and then return to Big Al’s to get there before 6pm.  We returned to Al’s and hung the sign which was basically the last thing to do.  We coordinated with wait staff on included items and how to handle open bar.  Waited on Sheryl to arrive and when she did she seemed surprised.  I think we pulled it off.  Talked and shared old stories reminiscing about the good ole days.  Great time!!!  After the party, Cal, John, Michelle and I headed to Michael’s on the Water and closed down the bar.  After our fourth night of seeing 230am strike on the clock, we slept in a little on Sunday morning.  Sunday Morning I headed to breakfast with Sharon, Jack, Cal and John.  Michelle stayed behind sleeping like she usually does late into a trip.  After breakfast we headed over to Mom’s for a while and then headed to Xochimilco’s.  After 30 years, nothing has changed.  Literally, nothing has changed!!!  I believe the carpet is the same, the baseboards are definitely the same and I’m sure many other things that are better left unknown are still the same but one thing for sure, the food is still the best!  On the way back we dropped off a Botana and Chicken Quesadillas to Mom and Jason and headed back to Cal and John’s.  Cal and John were down for the count.  One was sleeping in a chair upstairs and one sleeping in a chair downstairs.  Lightweights!!!  Michelle disappeared too and I later found out she was being a lightweight too.  I stayed up watching the news and learned about an ice storm heading our way and a winter weather advisory.  The storm ended up happening.  Michelle and I drove to Mom’s house to say goodbye before things got too bad.  On our way to the airport we made a quick stop for lunch at Big Bear Lodge with Cal, John, Moe and Greg.  Greg gave us one of his hand made masterpieces.  Yes!!! Very cool pieces!!!  Took off to airport from lunch and hoped for the best.  Plane was showing on time, boarded on time, doors closed on time and then Captain announced due to deteriorating conditions we would be sitting at the gate for a while.  After about 10 announcements, changes of departure times and watching Trainwreck, we finally pushed off the gate about 2.5 hours late.  Another hour passed waiting for deicing and when it was all said and done, we landed in FLL around 12:10am.  We got home around 1am, played with the kids for a while and then finally called it a night. Another excellent adventure came to an end. Click on any individual picture to see larger version.  You can navigate thru the album by moving your mouse over the middle left and right areas of picture or by using the left and right arrows on your keyboard.